
addlink S20 台湾製 1TB 内蔵SSD | 読取り最大 500MB/s 書込み最大 450MB/s| 3D NAND採用SATA III 6Gb/s 2.5インチ | メーカー3年保証 | ノートパソコン/デスクトップPC対応

addlink S20 台湾製 1TB 内蔵SSD | 読取り最大 500MB/s 書込み最大 450MB/s| 3D NAND採用SATA III 6Gb/s 2.5インチ | メーカー3年保証 | ノートパソコン/デスクトップPC対応
価格:15,644 円
addlink S20 台湾製 1TB 内蔵SSD | 読取り最大 500MB/s 書込み最大 450MB/s| 3D NAND採用SATA III 6Gb/s
2.5インチ | メーカー3年保証 | ノートパソコン/デスクトップPC対応 PlayStation 4 動作確認済み 容量:1TB; インターフェース: SATA III 6Gb/s、フォームファクター: 内蔵型SSD
2.5インチ 7mm

: 読込速度/書込速度:500MB/450MB/秒 。


【先端のチップ| 特徴】
3D NAND フラッシュ メモリ チップを採用により、安定した性能と長い耐用年数。

ウェアレベリング技術とLDPC エラー訂正を内蔵。





addlink S20 SSD is specially designed to enhance performance of PCs and laptops. Powered by the latest 3D NAND technology, S20 can deliver a greater level of performance and endurance. By using only high-quality flash chips and enhanced firmware algorithms, the S20 is guaranteed to deliver greater performance and reliability. Taking full advantage of the SATA III 6Gb/s interface and built in with 3D NAND flash, the S20 achieves exceptional transfer speeds of up to 560MB/s read and 500MB/s write. Also more reliable and durable than a hard drive, S20 has no moving parts and it can protect your data from shock and vibration making it perfect for notebooks, ultrabooks and other portable computing devices. It also runs cool and operates silently during use. To further increase the lifespan of the S20, S20 uses built-in Smart ECC and Smart Refresh for better data retention and error correction ensures continued reliable data transfer. S20 series SATA 3 SSD comes in a wide range of capacities from 120GB to 1TB capacity to give you all the space you need for applications, videos, photos and other files. With S20, you only need to replace a small fraction of computer in exchange for seamless and lag-free computing experience. *S20 series comes with 3-year limited warranty. 商品コード57063579022商品名addlink S20 台湾製 1TB 内蔵SSD | 読取り最大 500MB/s 書込み最大 450MB/s| 3D NAND採用SATA III 6Gb/s
2.5インチ | メーカー3年保証 | ノートパソコン/デスクトップPC対応型番adJP1TBS20S3Sサイズ1TBカラーシルバー



価格:15,644 円

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